Why did saddam hussein used weapons of mass destruction brainly?

Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to maintain power and control over his people and territory. These weapons were used as a way to intimidate and subdue his opponents, and to keep the populace in fear. Hussein’s regime was one of the most brutal and oppressive in recent history, and the use of chemical and biological weapons was a reflection of that.

There are a few reasons why Saddam Hussein may have used weapons of mass destruction, even though they are banned by many international treaties. Firstly, Saddam Hussein was a dictator and had little regard for human life. He may have believed that using these weapons would help him maintain power. Additionally, Iraq was in a state of war with Iran at the time, and Saddam Hussein may have believed that using these weapons would give him an advantage in the conflict. Finally, Saddam Hussein may have simply been following in the footsteps of other dictators who have used similar weapons in the past.

What are weapons of mass destruction war?

The US military refers to WMD as: Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons capable of a high order of destruction or causing mass casualties and exclude the means of transporting or propelling the weapon where such means is a separable and divisible part from the weapon. Also called WMD.

Saddam Hussein’s regime was one of the most brutal and repressive in recent history. The Baath party used violence, killing, torture, execution, arbitrary arrest, unlawful detention, enforced disappearance, and various forms of repression to control the population. Thousands of Iraqis were killed or tortured, and many more were detained without trial. This reign of terror created a climate of fear and insecurity that made it very difficult for Iraqis to oppose the regime.

What is the purpose of weapons of mass destruction

The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for preventing terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction. This includes nuclear, radiological, chemical, and biological weapons. The department works to identify and thwart potential attacks, and to respond quickly and effectively if an attack does occur.

WMD agents can have a devastating effect on populations and economies. They are often cheap to produce and can be deployed in a variety of ways, making them a powerful tool for terror and subjugation.

What did Saddam Hussein do to start the war?

The Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition of 34 nations, led by the United States, that were opposed to Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait. The war lasted for just over a month, and resulted in the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. In the aftermath of the war, the international community placed severe economic sanctions on Iraq, which remained in place until the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait was a clear attempt to acquire that nation’s large oil reserves and expand Iraqi power in the region. The debt cancellation was simply a bonus. This aggression could not be tolerated and the international community took military action to liberate Kuwait.

Who is Saddam Hussein and why is he important?

Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. His rule was marked by costly and unsuccessful wars against neighbouring countries. Saddam was born in 1937 in the town of Al-Awjah, Iraq. He rose to power in the 1970s, and became president in 1979. He invaded Iran in 1980, and later invaded Kuwait in 1990. These wars led to the economic ruin of Iraq. Saddam was overthrown in 2003 by a U.S.-led invasion, and was captured by U.S. troops in December of that year. He was tried by an Iraqi court, and was found guilty of crimes against humanity. He was executed by hanging in 2006.

The term is now used more broadly to refer to any large-scale destructive device, whether it is nuclear, chemical, or biological in nature. In recent years, the use of the term has been expanded to include cyber-attacks, as well as conventional military attacks, such as the use of bombers.

Who has the most weapons of mass destruction in the world

According to most reports, Russia has the largest number of nuclear weapons in its arsenal, followed by the United States. This is likely due to the fact that Russia has more nuclear warheads than the United States, as well as a larger number of nuclear delivery vehicles. Russia also has a more diverse range of nuclear weapons, including both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.

Russia possesses a large number of nuclear warheads, and has a significant deployment of missiles ready to be launched. While the United States has a slightly higher number of nuclear warheads, Russia’s large stockpile means that it remains a major nuclear power.

Who was the first to use weapons of mass destruction?

While the German army was the first to use chemical weapons in warfare, their use of biological weapons was rather limited and not particularly successful. They attempted to covertly infect enemies with both anthrax and glanders, but these operations did not have a significant impact.

The term weapons of mass destruction (WMD) has been in currency since at least 1937, when it was used to describe massed formations of bomber aircraft. In the years since, the term has been applied to chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.

The use of WMD in warfare has been scattering, with occasional horrific examples such as the use of chemical weapons in World War I and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The development and proliferation of WMD has been a cause for concern for many years, and the issue remains a major concern in international relations.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, discusses WMD and world affairs in an interview with Britannica.

Which weapon can destroy the world

Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on Earth. They have the potential to destroy a whole city and kill millions of people. They also jeopardize the natural environment and the lives of future generations.

Saddam Hussein was the President of Iraq from 1979 until 2003. He was overthrown in the Iraq War in 2003. Saddam was known for his dictatorship and for leading Iraq into war with Iran and Kuwait. He was also known for his refusal to cooperate with international inspections for proscribed weapons, which led to the US and allies invading Iraq in 2003.

Why did Saddam start a war with Iran?

There are two main motives that have been ascribed to Saddam Husayn’s decision to invade Iran in 1980. One motive is that he invaded for geopolitical gain when international factors worked in his favor. The other is that he invaded to prevent Iran from fomenting revolution in Iraq. It is not clear which of these motives was more important to Saddam Husayn, but both likely played a role in his decision.

The US provided combat planning assistance and battlefield intelligence to Saddam Hussein’s military. These services included satellite pictures and more than 60 US Defense Intelligence Agency officers who helped with combat planning. The US likely did this in order to gain favor with the Iraqi government and military.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the reasons why Saddam Hussein may have used weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) can vary depending on the specific situation and context in which he found himself. However, some possible reasons why Saddam may have used WMDs include deterring enemies from attacking his country, seeking to gain a military advantage over enemies, or retaliating against enemies who have used WMDs against Iraq. Additionally, it is worth noting that Saddam Hussein did not only use chemical weapons against enemy forces during the Iran-Iraq war, but also against his own people in an effort to quell internal unrest.

Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction because he wanted to intimidate his opponents and cement his power. He knew that if he could show that he had these deadly weapons, no one would dare challenge him. Unfortunately, his use of these weapons ultimately led to his downfall.

Morris Harrison is an avid student of dictator regimes and its leaders. He enjoys researching and studying the various styles of leadership, their strategies, and the effects they have on the people they lead. Morris has a passion for understanding how power works and what makes certain leaders dictators.

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