Early Life
Adolf Hitler had a son, who was born in August 1939 and named Adolf Hitler Jr. He was born in Obersalzberg, Germany, and was the only child of Hitler and his mistress, Eva Braun. It is believed that Adolf Hitler Jr. was born out of wedlock, to protect Hitler’s lawful marriage to another woman. Adolf Hitler Jr. was influenced throughout his life by his father, who he constantly idolized. Among other things, he inherited his father’s hatred towards non-Aryans. Despite Hitler’s authoritarianism and his violent treatment of so-called enemies of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler Jr. is reported to have expressed his admiration for and loyalty to his father.
Adolf Hitler Jr. had a highly privileged childhood compared to the other children of his age. Although he had to follow strict military discipline when in the company of his father and his Nazi associates, he was also provided with some of the best possible education opportunities. His teachers and tutors received high salaries and special privileges, ensuring that Adolf Hitler Jr. was always on the receiving end of the best possible academic instruction. He also had access to the best athletic facilities, including swimming pools and playing fields, since Hitler wanted him to be a model Aryan boy.
Adolf Hitler Jr. was born in Germany and given to a Bavarian family to be raised. He wasn’t raised in the traditional German family environment but instead by a Nazi family. His upbringing was heavily dominated by Nazi ideology, with Adolf Hitler Jr. himself never straying far from following it dutifully. From an early age, he was taught to believe that he was an exemplary member of the Nazi party, and he would proudly wear his Nazi uniform. His beliefs compounded over time, leading him to become a strict and militant follower of his father’s philosophy throughout his life.
Education and Training
Adolf Hitler Jr. was educated by top-ranked Nazi educators and trained in military tactics and strategy. He received a thorough education on German culture and history, as his father wanted him to become one of Germany’s future leaders. Adolf Hitler Jr. was also trained in sports, including martial arts and physical fitness. He was encouraged to take part in the Hitler Youth, a paramilitary organization established by the Nazi party to train young boys for military service. He soon learned to show admiration and respect for his father and the Nazi party.
Death of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler Jr. was devastated by his father’s death in April 1945. After his father’s death, Adolf Hitler Jr. escaped to Austria with his mother, where they were eventually arrested by occupying Allied forces. Adolf Hitler Jr. was sent to a British internment camp, where he remained until 1947 before being released.
Final Years
Adolf Hitler Jr. lived a relatively peaceful life in the years that followed his father’s death. He married and had a family of his own, although he was initially refused permission to do so. Adolf Hitler Jr. tried to make a life of his own distant from his father’s legacy, but he constantly faced persecution and scorn from the public, who refused to forget his family name. He worked different jobs and moved around a few towns in Germany, but he was never able to escape his father’s shadow. Adolf Hitler Jr. died on June 18, 2000 at the age of 61.
Adolf Hitler Jr. left a legacy of a man who, despite his upbringing and family legacy, tried to make a life of his own and distant from his father’s legacy. Adolf Hitler Jr. was never convicted of any war crime and continuously pleaded for forgiveness for the sins of his father. To this day, historians discuss the role his father ultimately played in his life, with some arguing that Adolf Hitler Jr. was a victim of circumstance and had he not been born who he was, he could have been a successful civilian.
The name Adolf Hitler Jr. is one that causes much controversy, as it memorializes the life of one of the most despised figures in human history. Despite the aversion and hatred of the name, Adolf Hitler was a name that Adolf Hitler Jr. shared proudly with his father and the aspects of his father’s life he followed. Although often seen as an insincere name picking, evidence suggests Adolf Hitler Jr. did in fact have a positive affinity for the name, not only for it being shared with his father but also for being part of the centuries-long preceding tradition of naming the first born son after the father’s first name.
Hitler and National Socialism
Adolf Hitler Jr. shared many of his father’s beliefs when it came to the ideology of National Socialism. Despite the considerable amount of public criticism and this theory’s notorious reputation, Adolf Hitler Jr. was still a proponent of the idea of racial purity within the German nation and German supremacy on the world stage. This seemed more understandable, since he had been brought up within the Nazi environment and been raised to believe that National Socialism was the path for Germany’s greatness. Adolf Hitler Jr. propagated his ideals of a perfect and racist society until his death.
Charisma and Public Perception
Adolf Hitler Jr. was a much more popular figure than his father in the public eye. Unlike his father who was feared and reviled, Adolf Hitler Jr. was embraced as a friendly and warm individual. He represented the popular and unifying image his father carried in the early days of Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler Jr. became a well-liked figure, who was surprisingly welcomed by many, culminating in invitations to many public events and ceremonies. Although, his presence was never too welcomed and often prompted criticism, with his name often the source of controversy.
To the Exile
Adolf Hitler Jr. did little to distance himself from his father’s Nazi values and remained faithful to his beliefs. After the downfall of the Third Reich and its subsequent end of the war, Adolf Hitler Jr. went into exile, fleeing Germany and its ruins. It is reported that little is known of his life in exile, but most information points to the fact that he was content and remained true to his values beyond the borders of Germany. Adolf Hitler Jr. spent the latter part of his post-war life in France, finally dying in June 2000 at the age of 61.