How many people did saddam hussein ki?

Saddam Hussein was an Iraqi dictator who was in power from 1979 to 2003. During his rule, Hussein was responsible for the deaths of many people, both inside and outside of Iraq. Estimates of the total number of people killed by Hussein range from 500,000 to 2,000,000.

I’m not sure what you’re asking.

How many soldiers did Saddam Hussein have?

The Iraqi army was a formidable force in the 1990s. It was the fifth largest in the world, with some 950,000 personnel, 5,500 main battle tanks, 10,000 additional armoured vehicles, and nearly 4,000 artillery pieces. The Iraqi air force consisted of some 40,000 personnel and 689 combat aircraft. However, the army was weakened by years of conflict and sanctions in the 2000s, and was unable to effectively resist the US-led invasion in 2003.

The money may have also been used to fund the flight of those closest to the Iraqi dictator, including his family and personal friends. In the days and weeks that followed, Coalition forces managed to find an estimated $650 million of the money taken from the central bank. This money was most likely used to fund the escape of Saddam Hussein and his cronies, and was probably a significant factor in their ability to evade capture for so long.

How did US defeat Iraq so quickly

The Coalition’s success in the Gulf War was due in large part to its superior air power. Coalition ground and air forces were able to deliver accurate, lethal fire on Iraqi targets at long ranges and at night. The Coalition’s ability to maneuver ground forces rapidly and to sustain them over long distances also undermined the Iraqi ability to mount a coherent defense.

The United States surge in Iraq reaches its peak strength in November 2007 with 168,000 troops. This number is maintained until troops begin drawdown in the following month.

How much $12 billion dollars went missing in Iraq?

The US government has been accused of mismanaging $12 billion in currency that was transported to Baghdad in 2003 and 2004. A Vanity Fair report concluded that of this sum, “at least $9 billion has gone missing”. The US government has denied any wrongdoing, but the incident has raised questions about the government’s accountability and transparency.

The Rumaila oil field is an oil field located in southern Iraq. The field is owned by the Iraqi government and is operated by a consortium of international oil companies, including BP and CNPC. The Rumaila oil field is one of the largest oil fields in the world, with an estimated reserve of 17 billion barrels of oil.

Did the US get any oil from Iraq?

The United States imported an average of 157,000 barrels of petroleum per day from Iraq in 2021. The majority of this came from the southern Iraqi ports of Basra and umm Qasr.Iraq is the second-largest source of imported oil for the United States behind Canada. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that Iraq has the world’s fifth-largest proved reserves of crude oil.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken a heavy toll in terms of human lives. Over 7,000 US troops have perished in these wars, and the number of allied soldiers from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Syria who have died is even higher, at around 177,000. These wars have also exacted a great toll on Western allies in terms of human lives lost.

What was the US goal in invading Iraq

The Iraq War was justified by the US government on the grounds that Saddam Hussein’s regime was in possession of weapons of mass destruction and was supporting terrorism. However, no WMDs were ever found in Iraq, and the country is now in a state of chaos and instability. Many believe that the Iraq War was a mistake, and that the true motives for the war were more to do with control of oil resources and geopolitical power than anything else.

The Iraq War was started by US President George W Bush in 2003. Bush argued for launching a military attack on Iraq, claiming that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction that could be used against the US and its allies. On March 17, 2003, Bush declared an end to diplomacy and issued an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, giving the Iraqi president 48 hours to leave Iraq. When Hussein failed to comply, Bush ordered a military invasion of Iraq, which began on March 19, 2003.

Who has the largest army?

As of 2022, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has the largest active duty military force in the world, with approximately 2 million soldiers. This is followed by the Indian Army, the United States Army, the Korean People’s Army of North Korea, and the Russian Armed Forces.

Asad Airbase is a large military airbase in Iraq that was used extensively during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The base is now owned by the Ministry of Defence and operated by the Iraqi Army.

How many US troops are left in Iraq

Some 2,500 US troops remain in Iraq even though the US combat mission in Iraq formally ended in 2011. US commanders don’t expect that to change for the foreseeable future. The troops are there to train and advise Iraqi forces, and to help protect US personnel and facilities.

The CBO estimated that the long-term price tag for the war would be $24 trillion. Of that, $19 trillion would be spent on Iraq, or $6,300 per US citizen.

How much did the US pay to rebuild Iraq?

This is an immensely important topic. The US Congress authorized $209 billion in civilian funds to help reconstruct Iraq in the three and one half years immediately following Operation Iraqi Freedom in April 2003. This is a critical time period for Iraq and its people. This money will help to rebuild infrastructure, provide essential services, and create opportunities for the Iraqi people.

The US has provided more than $200 million in humanitarian aid to Iraq this fiscal year, with additional funding from the State Department and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). This support will help Iraq to meet the needs of its people, including those displaced by conflict.

Who owns the oil in USA

In 2014, petroleum and natural gas were the two largest sources of energy in the US, together providing 63 percent of the energy consumed (oil provided 35 percent and gas 28 percent). The top four service companies in the US are BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil. These companies combined produced almost 60 percent of the oil in the US in 2014.

Venezuela is a South American country with the largest reserves of oil in the world. In 2016, its reserves were estimated at 299,953,000,000 barrels. The country has been a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) since 1960. Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) is the state-owned oil and gas company of Venezuela.


There is no definitive answer to this question as Saddam Hussein kept his killings secret and there is no way to know for sure how many people he killed. However, some estimates put the number of people killed by Saddam Hussein at around 250,000.

There is no definitive answer to this question as the records from Saddam Hussein’s regime are not complete. However, estimates suggest that Saddam Hussein may have killed as many as 1 million people during his time in power.

Morris Harrison is an avid student of dictator regimes and its leaders. He enjoys researching and studying the various styles of leadership, their strategies, and the effects they have on the people they lead. Morris has a passion for understanding how power works and what makes certain leaders dictators.

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