{"id":3166,"date":"2023-03-17T16:33:45","date_gmt":"2023-03-17T15:33:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.dictatorbaron.com\/?p=3166"},"modified":"2023-03-17T16:33:45","modified_gmt":"2023-03-17T15:33:45","slug":"how-did-the-us-remove-saddam-hussein","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.dictatorbaron.com\/how-did-the-us-remove-saddam-hussein\/","title":{"rendered":"How did the us remove saddam hussein?"},"content":{"rendered":"

On April 9, 2003, U.S. forces captured Baghdad, toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein. In the following months, U.S. troops conducted a widespread search for Saddam, who was eventually found hiding in a hole in the ground near his hometown of Tikrit. Saddam was tried by an Iraqi court and executed by hanging on December 30, 2006.<\/p>\n

The United States helped to remove Saddam Hussein from power by invading Iraq in 2003.<\/p>\n

How did they get rid of Saddam Hussein? <\/h2>\n

The execution of Saddam Hussein was an event that occurred on December 30, 2006. The former President of Iraq was sentenced to death by hanging, after being convicted of crimes against humanity by an Iraqi court.<\/p>\n

The stated goal of the US invasion of Iraq was to disarm the country of weapons of mass destruction, end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, and free the Iraqi people from his tyrannical rule. In reality, no weapons of mass destruction were found and the country descended into a bloody civil war that lasted for years. Tens of thousands of Iraqis and over 4,000 US soldiers were killed, and the country is still struggling to recover.<\/p>\n

How long did it take the US to remove Saddam Hussein <\/h3>\n