{"id":2810,"date":"2023-03-13T23:47:40","date_gmt":"2023-03-13T22:47:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.dictatorbaron.com\/?p=2810"},"modified":"2023-03-13T23:47:40","modified_gmt":"2023-03-13T22:47:40","slug":"why-hasn-t-kim-jong-un-been-assassinated","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.dictatorbaron.com\/why-hasn-t-kim-jong-un-been-assassinated\/","title":{"rendered":"Why hasn t kim jong un been assassinated?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, has been in power since 2011 and has overseen a number of purges and executions. Given the brutal nature of his regime, it is surprising that he has not been assassinated. There are a number of reasons why this may be the case. <\/p>\n

First, Kim Jong Un has tight security measures in place. He is rarely seen in public and when he does travel, he does so in a heavily armed convoy. Second, North Korea is a closed country and it is very difficult for outsiders to operate within its borders. This makes it hard for would-be assassins to get close to the leader. <\/p>\n

Finally, it is possible that there are simply no North Koreans willing to carry out such a mission. Given the risks involved, it is likely that only someone who is truly committed to overthrowing the regime would be willing to attempt an assassination. There may simply be no one with that level of dedication.<\/p>\n

The reasons for Kim Jong Un’s continued survival are not completely known, but there are several theories. It is possible that he has been able to effectively surround himself with loyal bodyguards and security forces. Additionally, it is possible that potential assassins have been deterred by the severe punishments that have been meted out to those who have attempted to kill previous North Korean leaders. Finally, it is possible that Kim Jong Un has benefited from the fact that North Korea is largely isolated from the rest of the world, making it more difficult for would-be assassins to get close to him.<\/p>\n

Does North Korea still execute people? <\/h2>\n