Intolerance and Exclusion of Minorities
Adolf Hitler is remembered for the atrocities he committed against marginalized, persecuted, and diverse groups in Germany during the early to mid-20th century. One of the most notable features of Hitler’s leadership was his unyielding intolerance and exclusion of anyone who had a different opinion, lifestyle, race, or origin than he did.
As the leader of Nazi Germany, Hitler declared that German ‘blood’ was superior to other ethnicities and began to restrict and exclude Jews, Gypsies, disabled citizens, LGBTQ, intellectuals, and other minorities. He reduced their civil rights, forbade them to intermingle with his own ‘Aryan’ race, and even sought to eliminate them through extermination policies like the ‘final solution’ – a plan to eradicate the Jewish population.
Hitler’s intolerance was the primary catalyst behind one of the worst genocides in human history. He felt that German ‘blood’ was superior and any other racial or ethnic distinctions were inferior, distorted, and even potentially dangerous to the German people. He disparaged those with different beliefs than his own, and his followers, using intimidating and violent tactics, enforced his racial segregation laws and policies.
This notion of superiority had a profound and devastating effect. It caused extreme violence, discrimination, and in some cases, extermination. Hitler’s followers carried out his wishes via the SS (the Nazi’s secret police) with the backing of Hitler’s political authority. These policies and actions constitute one of the most appalling legal violations of human rights in modern history.
Under Hitler’s rule, the German government committed numerous abuses of international law and human decency. At the time, Hitler and his regime carried out acts of violence and terror on a truly inhuman scale. Jews, political opponents, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other minorities were expelled from their homes, denied basic human rights, and in some cases, suffered imprisonment, torture, and death.
Apart from human rights violations, Hitler’s policies also caused widespread economic devastation. He implemented a system of racial discrimination which ensured that Jews were not allowed to access basic civil rights, employment opportunities, and education which further alienated them from society. In addition, Hitler increased military spending, leading to hyperinflation that drastically impacted the German people.
Totalitarianism, Autocracy, and Authoritarianism
In addition to his intolerance toward minorities and lack of human rights awareness, Hitler firmly advanced his policy of totalitarianism, autocratic rule, and authoritarianism. He used military force to seize and govern neighboring countries, refused to acknowledge any other political views, and even blocked people from voting by changing election laws. Hitler limited freedom of speech and consistently worked to undermine democratic ideals.
The Nazi ideology was a culmination of xenophobia, dictatorship, economic protectionism, and irrational ideology. Hitler sought to build a ‘master race’ and disproportionately focused military, economic, and scientific resources towards achieving this end. He implemented the ‘Law for the Protection of the German Blood’ which outlawed marriage and sexual relations between Jews and others, forcing other races to be sterilized or systematically removed.
Moreover, his complete disregard for international law and honourable politics further highlights his terrible leadership qualities
Under Hitler’s control, Germany began its expansion by seizing Austria and quickly moved onto the invasion of Poland, which began the Second World War. After the war, Germany was divided into four parts and it took decades for the country to recover from the war with devastating consequences for the international community.
Militarism and Expansionism
One of the most prominent aspects of Hitler’s rule was his extreme militarism and expansionist ambitions. He believed that Germany could, and should, grow larger and more powerful by claiming more land and resources. In pursuit of this goal, Hitler employed the military and a variety of institutions to enforce his vision.
Hitler placed high value on military growth and sought to take control of as much land as possible in pursuit of his ‘master race’. He invested heavily in the military and also placed discriminatory barriers on trade and economic ties with other countries. Through manipulation of the public and media, Hitler was able to control the narrative and garner support for aggressive expansionism.
Hitler’s actions, and subsequent policies, created a sense of false safety and security, which was contingent upon Germany’s continued domination of their neighbors. He sought to manipulate public opinion and use a combination of terror and propaganda to sway people to his ideology. Furthermore, he increasingly and dangerously militarized much of German society, seeing it as his foremost tool for gaining power and controlling the future of Europe.
Additionally, Hitler provided each occupied territory with its own dictatorial and totalitarian local government, all of whom were subservient to Hitler. Opposing political systems, cultures, and religions were completely crushed, often leading to long-term psychological and economic damage. Hitler thereby reshaped Europe under his own power and doctrine, creating a world in which only his values, ideologies and laws mattered.
Ravage of War and Military Strategies
Hitler deeply believed in the need to win a military victory and rejected any attempts at peace negotiations with neighbouring countries, even when the odds were against him. He also proceeded to create a German army that followed his expansionistic and totalitarian policies. Due to Hitler’s strategies and strategies of conquest, Germany suffered horrendously in the Second World War and led to the destruction of numerous cities, towns, and landscapes.
In pursuit of ‘lebensraum’ (living space), Hitler employed the ‘blitzkrieg’ military strategy – an offensive strategy that was designed to shock and confuse the enemy. This strategy allowed German forces to penetrate deep into enemy territory and occupy large cities in a short span of time. By applying this strategy, Hitler quickly managed to take over much of Eastern and Central Europe.
In addition to the destruction of millions of lives and livelihoods, Hitler’s military policies also led to the destruction of valuable resources, infrastructure and monuments. Due to its reliance on invading, occupying, and relentlessly attacking its neighbours, its economy was ruined, leaving large areas of Europe pillaged and the survivors impoverished.
Furthermore, social structures in Europe regressed, as a direct result of Hitler’s immoral and unethical military strategies. This decline was especially prominent within Germany itself which was left in a period of chaos and struggle by the end of the war.
Rational and Strategic Thinking
Lastly, Hitler largely ignored rational and strategic thinking, believing instead on instincts and strong will. He underestimated the capacity of his entourage and the power of Britain and the US. He followed his plans to the letter, often disregarding the accurate information and warnings from his entourage.
Due to Hitler’s inadequate strategic thought, both domestically and militarily, Germany was devastated and it had to face the consequences of its war. For example, the Bretton Woods Agreement and the subsequent establishment of the European Union were primarily shaped in reaction to the negative impact of Hitler’s rule and political ideology.
Hitler’s leadership also led to an increased military presence across the European continent. In 1940, the air forces of several European countries had to fight off the Blitzkrieg. This battle changed the face of aerial combat, as the German Luftwaffe employed novel tactics to succeed. These tactics made it possible for the Germans to dominate much of European airspace in the early stages of the war and also drained the resources of many defeated European countries.
Therefore, it is clear to see why Hitler’s leadership left a lasting legacy of death, destruction, and disempowerment. His authoritarian policies and extreme ideas regarding race and nationalism caused the world to suffer in both the short and the long run.
Reliance on Propaganda and Fascism
Hitler heavily relied on propaganda and fascism to further his ideology. He swayed public opinion by using fear, violence and intimidation to promote his goals and silenced those who disagreed with him. He used a plethora of public forums – from radio addresses to political rallies – to spread his message and generate followers.
Hitler resorted to brutish tactics in order to enforce his political control. He sought to manipulate public opinion and use a combination of terror and propaganda to sway people towards his ideology. He created ‘race-based’ rallies, youth camps, and even the Olympics for Nazi Germany, causing a surge in patriotism and veneration for Hitler.
Hitler used fear and aggression to quickly and efficiently make his will known. He demanded complete loyalty from those who were not considered part of the Nazi ‘Aryan’ race. Any opposition was quickly silenced, whether through force or more subtle methods. In this way, Hitler slowly began to control the population, slowly advancing his Nazification of politics and culture.
Finally, Hitler’s legacy left a trail of destruction and destruction of human rights across Europe. It took decades for Europe to recover, both economically and culturally. People were left in poverty and with a sense of distrust and animosity. This hatred and revenge mentality was a direct result of the oppressive rule of Hitler and the Nazi party.
Economic Effects of War and Marginalization
The economic effects of war were catastrophic to the German people. Hitler increased military spending which created a hyperinflation, meaning that money had less and less value and citizens were hard-pressed to make ends meet. Furthermore, Hitler marginalized Jews, leading to them being unable to access basic civil rights, employment opportunities, and education.
This exclusion from society had tremendous economic consequences, as those persecuted were unable to synthesize or create wealth. Hitler’s policies and beliefs also hampered potential productive activities and caused general economic depression and inefficiency. His unwavering loyalty to the military was to the detriment of the economy as military expenses heated up and overcrowded the already weak and inefficient German economy.
In addition to the economic consequences, Hitler’s rule left a damaging psychological and social toll on the citizens of Germany. The process of Nazification which molded Hitler’s ideologies into mainstream culture poisoned Germany’s political and social atmosphere and divided its people into those who followed the party line, and those that didn’t.
This strategy caused a heightened sense of nationalism, which made the people of Germany blind to other opinions and cultures. This ostracization and isolation of non-Aryans caused higher, more intense levels of alienation, depression and fear. People were unable to freely express their thoughts or ideas, and this had a severe impact on their mental health and wellbeing.
Lasting Legacy of Death and Destruction
Ultimately, Hitler’s lack of tolerance and respect for diversity and minority rights, his militarism and expansionism, and his reliance on propaganda and fascism left an