Adolf Hitler’s drive for power in Europe during Nazi Germany times has often been seen as an attempt to dominate the continent with a united German-centric faction. But newly uncovered documents uncovered by German historians suggest that there were tentative attempts from Hitler to make a pact with Stalin to collaborate against western powers. The question arises whether this would have been beneficial for the Third Reich if such collaboration had been established.
Indeed, it was in January 1941, when Germany was only weeks away from launching an attack on the Soviet Union, that Hitler reportedly attempted to send a military delegation to Moscow in an attempt to establish the alliance with Stalin. Historians point out a number of plausible motives for this initiative. Some suggest that Hitler was tired of the war and wanted to end the conflict with the Soviets by securing an agreement to cede vast portions of eastern Europe.
Others have suggested that the swift German victories over France and Britain in 1940 may have disheartened Hitler and motivated him to seek out a similar diplomatic victory. Whatever the motive, it is certain that Hitler wanted to see a united German-Russian empire to exist in Central and Eastern Europe.
The idea was misguided, at best. It is clear that Stalin was never that interested in joining forces with Hitler and there were certainly no negotiations ever held. It is, however, almost certain that Hitler wanted something like this to happen, even if it was to bring about an agreement to end the war sooner.
Most experts point out that Hitler and Stalin’s very different ideologies would not have made them the most likely of partners. Such an alliance would have been difficult, if not impossible, to maintain due to the respective political and economic systems of the two countries. Stalin, who was ideologically closer to communism, and Hitler, who was very much in favor of fascism, could never have agreed on a common goal.
Furthermore, Stalin’s distrust of Hitler was well-known and, even though Hitler sent a secret emissary to Moscow, the Soviet ruler refused to even meet him, let alone discuss a possible alliance. Experts argue that Stalin was doubtful of a partnership with Hitler, as his main priority was to keep the Soviet Union out of the war, and an alliance with Nazi Germany would have only served to put the Soviet Union in an unenviable position.
Today, many historians agree that a collaboration between two such powerful nations with diverging opinions could not have been successful if it had been reached, and that the idea was riddled with inconsistencies and uncertainty. Ultimately, the failed attempt at such a collaboration was a blessing in disguise, as it opened up the possibility of support from the western allies, helping secure victory over Nazi Germany.
Realistic Outcomes
If Hitler had managed to secure an agreement with Stalin, then it is likely that the European continent would have been very different in the aftermath of World War II.
Hitler’s plan to create a united German-Russian empire in the east would have posed a formidable force, and would have sought to expand its influence over Europe. The alliance would have created a powerful and unified bloc against the West, which could have potentially turned the tide of the war in favor of the Axis powers.
Historians have speculated that the unified German-Russian Empire would have been able to overrun Europe with its superior technological and military capabilities. This could have shifted the balance of power globally, as the bloc would have become the dominant superpower in Europe.
In the longterm, such a powerful German-Russian alliance might have resulted in a different European landscape. It is possible that boundaries would have changed, new states could have been formed, and various ideologies could have gained traction.
It is also possible that Europe may have become an even harsher place, as the combined forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union may have had access to massive amounts of resources and technology, which could have made them even more dangerous than WWII Europe.
The Battle for Central and Eastern Europe
The potential alliance between Hitler and Stalin underscores the strategic importance of Central and Eastern Europe in the political and ideological battle for control of the continent.
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union both had grand visions for the region. For Hitler, Eastern Europe was to be the playground for his “Lebensraum” policy and the foundation for a united German-Russian empire. For Stalin, Eastern Europe was to be a buffer zone between the Soviet Union and the West.
It is clear that Eastern Europe was a major battlefield between the two powers, and it is highly likely that if the attempted collaboration between Hitler and Stalin had been successful, the region would have been subjected to the machinations of both powers.
It is important to recognize that the attempt to establish a German-Russian empire in the east was part of a grand attempt by Hitler to reshape the European continent. This underscores how important the region was, and continues to be, to the larger geopolitical dynamics of Europe.
The Impact of a Possible Alliance
A collaboration between Hitler and Stalin would have undoubtedly reshaped the European continent in the aftermath of World War II. Historians speculate that a German-Russian alliance could have reshaped the geopolitical landscape and caused a major power shift in the region, with consequences that would have been felt globally.
It is possible that the alliance may have caused even more damage than we know, as the combined forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union may have had access to greater resources and technology, resulting in an even deadlier conflict.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that Stalin and Hitler never reached an agreement and the attempt to establish a unified German-Russian empire in Central and Eastern Europe ultimately failed. This failure was a blessing in disguise, as it opened up the possibility of support from the western allies, helping secure victory over Nazi Germany.
The Role of Hitler and Stalin’s Ideologies
Ideology played a major role in determining the relationships between the two powers. Hitler desired a unified German-Russian empire, and this was in direct contrast to the Soviet Union’s vision of a communist Europe. These well-defined differences in ideology could not have been reconciled even if both sides had reached an agreement.
For Stalin, the risk of aligning himself with Hitler was simply too great and this would have likely caused more harm than good. Stalin’s disregard for Hitler’s offer demonstrates the difficulty in establishing a lasting partnership between two such divergent forces.
Moreover, Stalin’s vocal anti-fascism would have made it difficult for him to back Hitler’s vision of a united German-Russian empire. It is likely that an alliance between the two powers would have eventually fallen apart due to their differing goals and ideologies.
Hitler’s Understanding of International Politics
Hitler’s attempt to establish an alliance with Stalin reflects his limited understanding of international politics. By seeking a deal with one of his counterparts, Hitler was trying to use diplomacy to solve a crisis that was ultimately caused by his own actions.
By seeking an agreement with Stalin, Hitler seemed to be hoping to gain an advantage through subtle diplomatic maneuvering. It is clear that he was attempting to play the two powers off of each other in an effort to gain an upper hand, but this ultimately failed to come to fruition.
Ultimately, Hitler’s failure to establish a joint German-Russian empire reflects his lack of knowledge of international politics. Hitler lacked the foresight and political acumen needed to create an alliance with Stalin, and this ultimately contributed to his downfall.
The Legacy of an Unfulfilled Alliance
Hitler’s attempt to collaborate with the Soviet Union has left behind a legacy of speculation and uncertainty. Historians have long speculated what would have happened if the two powers had reached an agreement, and it is likely that such a move would have changed the course of the war and the course of history.
It is clear that the failed attempt to create an alliance between Hitler and Stalin left a lasting impact on Europe and the broader international politics of the time. By not reaching an agreement, the two powers allowed the Allies to gain the upper hand and ultimately secure victory.
Although the attempt failed, it has left behind a valuable lesson for those seeking to understand how to negotiate with adversaries. Hitler’s ill-fated attempt to establish an alliance with Stalin demonstrates the difficulty of reaching an agreement between two forces with very different worldviews.