Examining the German Populace
Adolf Hitler is an infamous figure in world history, but it is essential to consider how he interacted with the German people. Was Hitler attempting to appease the German populous or was he implementing his own policies and agenda? We take a look at the evidence and perspectives from experts to ascertain whether he catered to the German people.
It is difficult to deny that Hitler knew the German people were essential for his success. After all, without the people’s support, it would have been impossible for him to be elected as Chancellor. Consequently, Hitler did look to gain the favor of the German people. For example, he prioritized unemployment and implemented the 25-point Plan which praised Germany and placed blame on other countries. This seemed to help increase support among the German people, allowing Hitler to enjoy some success.
Furthermore, it can be argued that Hitler wanted to be seen as a strong leader. To accomplish this, he sponsored programs and propaganda which sought to improve quality of life, thus demonstrating to the public that he was the right person for the job. Additionally, there was the military element which sought to demonstrate power on the world stage; a move which many German people were in favor of.
Despite this, there were still some policies which received criticism from large portions of the German populace. Hitler’s anti-semite ideals were one such example, which consequently led to the Jewish population being ostracized from the public. This action was highly controversial and shows that while Hitler wanted to cater to the people, some of his policies had faced formidable opposition.
Assessing the Impact of Nazism
It should not be forgotten either that the Nazi Party did have many followers. In fact, it can be argued that the majority of German people were in favor of their policies and followed them without much resistance. For instance, the Reichstag Fire Decree of 1933 was accepted by the majority of the German people and seen as a popular action.
Nevertheless, it can still be argued that the passage of the decree was also a sign of fear among the populace, effectively isolating any form of resistance. In this way, Hitler could be said to have catered to the German people as a whole, but not necessarily to those individuals who wished to stand up for their beliefs.
This also marks a fascinating period in German history. Under Hitler, public opinion slowly shifted and that which would have been ethically unacceptable had become the norm. One such example was the role of women under the Nazis; they were to serve a domestic role while the men were the breadwinners. While this was something the German people accepted wholeheartedly at the time, today it is seen as a barbaric move which undermined the feminist movement.
Personnel Victims of Nazism
Another element to consider is the number of people persecuted under the Nazis. Although it cannot be argued that Hitler catered to the German people in any meaningful way, the Nazi Party still garnered a loyal and extensive following. It is therefore essential to consider just how many people were negatively impacted by their policies.
It has been widely reported that between 11 and 14 million people were killed under Nazi rule. This includes the widely covered Holocaust, as well as other less well-known instances of genocide and ethnic-cleansing. Moreover, there were many people purged of their jobs, families broken up and lives ruined. It is clear that the situation remaining individuals found themselves in was extremely difficult and distressing.
Analysing Hitler’s Approval Rating
Hitler was able to remain in power due to a number of factors, but his approval ratings may also have played a role. In 1932, at the peak of his power, his approval ratings reached a staggering 83%, of which included many of the German people. Of course, these figures have decreased as time has passed, but it illustrates just how popular he was at the time.
Hence, one could argue that he was successful in catering to the German people, as much of his totalitarian, expansionist and oppressive policies were widely accepted by a large percentage of the public. Even today, some of those who lived in that era still recall the strong sense of national pride that the Nazi Party embodied.
Common Misconceptions About Adolf Hitler’s Influence
One of the most common misconceptions about Hitler’s influence is that he was successful due to a ‘charismatic’ personality. While it is certainly true that Hitler was a great speaker and certainly had a presence about him, the reality is that he was able to remain in power due to the German people’s fear of the alternative.
Furthermore, some people are under the misconception that Hitler invented the concept of Fascism. In actual fact, Fascism was a movement popularised near the end of the 19th century by Benito Mussolini. Hitler simply adopted and adapted the Fascist ideology to suit his own agenda.
Hitler’s Ideology and Impact
Furthermore, some people are under the misconception that Hitler invented the concept of Fascism. In actual fact, Fascism was a movement popularised near the end of the 19th century by Benito Mussolini. Hitler simply adopted and adapted the Fascist ideology to suit his own agenda.
Hitler’s Ideology and Impact
From an ideological perspective, it would be foolish to claim that Hitler’s policies were conducive with the German people’s best interests. After all, Hitler’s ideology led to the death of millions of innocent people. Nor can it be argued that Hitler was successful due to having ‘charisma’ – he was able to remain in power due to a combination of his grip on the security forces, control of the media and a war with the Church.
All in all, the evidence suggests that while Hitler was successful in gaining the support of the German people, it was due to a number of other factors. He certainly did not adhere to the needs and desires of the German people, as evidenced by the vast number of lives lost as a result of his policies.
External Factors and Character Aims
Hitler also had many external factors to contend with. Relationships with other nations were important to the German people; his actions on the world stage would have had a significant impact on public opinion. For example, in 1938, the Munich Agreement was notably popular among the German people and effectively improved the country’s reputation.
More significantly, however, was the impact of his aggressive foreign policy. His invasions of Poland and The Soviet Union, in 1939 and 1941 respectively, were seen as victories to the German people. These victories encouraged the Germans to believe that Hitler was the right man for the job, as well as portraying him as a strong, powerful leader.
In light of this, it is clear to see that while Hitler did follow a number of policies which pleased the German people, there were many elements of his ideology which were undoubtedly controversial. Despite this, there is no denying that Hitler was successful in appeasing the German people and was able to remain in power due to his other beneficial policies.
Assessing Hitler’s Personalities and Rules
Although it is difficult to deny the fact that Hitler was able to remain in power due to grabbing the public’s attention, on the other hand it should be noted that some of his policies were clearly against the best interests of the German people. The Jews, for example, were harshly treated and many were killed for simply being different. This shows that Hitler was more interested in promoting his own ideology than catering to the needs of the German people.
Furthermore, it is essential to note how Hitler was successful in creating a sense of pride among the German people. This was done through military campaigns and propaganda which praised the German people for their patriotism. As previously mentioned, this attempt to garner the support of the populous proved to be successful, although the ethical implications remain steeped in controversy.
International Pressures on Hitler’s Strategies
Finally, it is important to consider the pressure Hitler was under to adhere to international law. As he expanded his borders, foreign countries began to express their disgust and apprehension with his actions, leading to increased criticism.
For example, his attempted annex of Czechoslovakia in 1938 was met with condemnation and reminders of international law. This again shows that while Hitler wanted to please the German people, he was not adverse to putting them in an unfavorable position at the expense of achieving international superiority.
Overall, it is clear to see that Hitler was successful in appeasing the German people to some degree, but it is also apparent that this was not always the case. While his policies were partly successful in achieving popular support, much of his success was down to other external, geopolitical and ideological factors. Ultimately, it is up to the readers to consider for themselves whether or not Hitler catered to the German people in a meaningful way.